The University of Technology Malaysia is a public technical institute situated in Malaysia. The University was first established as a technical school in 1941 and was later transformed into a college by the British High Commissioner in 1955.
In the beginning, the institute offered various diplomas in engineering and some bachelor courses before it got recognised as a university in 1972. As for now, the University provides studies in five faculties and various institutes.
The University has played a vital role as the country's most significant contributor to the professional and technical workforce for government agencies, local industry, and multinational companies. Along with a vision to be known as the top Entrepreneurial Research Institute, the University of Technology Malaysia is set to become the hub of technological and academic excellence. UTM's mission is to be a leader in developing innovative technologies and human capital to contribute to Malaysia's wealth creation. This institute is now regarded as Malaysia's premier University in engineering, technology, and science. The vision of the University is in line with the nation's aspiration of becoming an innovation-led, knowledge-based economy grounded in innovation and creativity with high-value creation.
At the moment, UTM has around 17,500 full-time undergraduates, and 3,200 postgraduate students enrolled. UTM has established itself as Malaysia's Premier University in Engineering and Technology, generating over 200,000 technical graduates and certified professionals.
Student activity plays a vital role in intellectual development and generating student leadership. With this dedication, the Student Development Unit provides essential experience in an atmosphere that promotes diverse values, a healthy lifestyle, and contributions to numerous curricular and leadership opportunities.
Over 100 student clubs and societies run activities, competitions, events, camps, get-together seminars, conferences and more for over 10,000 members. These societies aim to foster the involvement of students in clubs, facilitate the activities and management of clubs, provide administrative and financial support to the institution, and liaise between them and the University.
Sports Excellence Unit at UTM is responsible for developing recreation and sports at the University by enacting recreational and sports programs. This unit aims to promote the development of a healthy lifestyle and living values within the academic community.
Two types of accommodations are offered to students at the University of Technology Malaysia. They can either live in apartments having two or three rooms, or they could choose a house with a couple of rooms. The University also facilitates the students wishing to live with their spouses during their studies.
University of Technology Malaysia
Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery Building, Jalan Iman, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
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